Raise Hope & Foster Dreams
We're Here to Help
Whether you're considering becoming a foster parent in Michigan for the first time or have been doing it for years, the Foster Care Navigator Program (FCNP) is here for you!
Following your initial inquiry, you will be matched with one of our experienced Foster Care Navigators who are excited to answer your questions while you decide if foster care is right for you, help guide you through the process if you do decide to pursue licensure, and provide additional resources and support as you welcome children into your home.

We're here to help with the nitty-gritty details of paperwork as you begin the process - Answering questions and providing checklists.

We're here to offer information and resources to help you decide if foster care is right for you and aid in preparations for your family's future.

We're here to be a listening ear and help you understand what to expect next as you walk through the licensure process and beyond.
The Process at a Glance
Begin by contacting a Navigator who will walk through the process with you.
Reach out to agencies near you to ask questions and attend orientations.
Apply to be licensed by the agency that fits your family best.
Attend GROW training.
Finalize your home study and receive your license!
Find An Agency Near You
Agencies will give detailed information about licensing, training, and orientation.

Am I Eligible for Services?
Are you considering becoming a foster parent in Michigan?
Are you in the licensure process in Michigan?
Would you like more information, but aren't ready to foster yet?
Are you already licensed and just looking to expand your network of support?
If you answered yes, you're eligible for Navigator services - it's that simple! Wherever you are on your foster care journey, we're here for you!
Attend Training
Once you've begun working with an agency and have had your initial home visit, you will be referred by your worker to attend GROW training. You are welcome to attend training in any county that is convenient for you!
Family Share Blog
Suicide Prevention in LGBTQ Youth
The subject of suicide has always been a difficult conversation to have. Having an open conversation about mental health can be difficult but speaking about suicide is still taboo for most people.