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31 Days of Foster Care Wishes: Jerry and Tana (Day 27)

Jerry and Tana - Genesee County

This full page feature includes all of the text listed in the body of this blog post as well as a photo of Jerry and Tana. The background is blue on the left, green on the right, and purple at the bottom of the page where the logos are located.

"Tana and Jerry have had over 400 foster care placements in Genesee County since becoming licensed. The children that tend to be placed with them often have experienced considerable trauma. Tana and Jerry have a huge heart and rarely decline placements. Additionally, they do everything in their power to try to persevere placements. Tana and Jerry go above and beyond for children in Genesee County as well as for other counties needing to utilize the home. They juggle numerous tasks presented to them daily without complaint and ensure that their foster and adopted children have everything they need."

To view Jerry and Tana's original feature on our Facebook page, click HERE.

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