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31 Days of Foster Care Wishes: Lisa and Jim (Day 3)

Lisa and Jim - County

This full page feature includes all of the text listed in the body of this blog post as well as a photo of Lisa and Jim. The background is blue on the left, green on the right, and purple at the bottom of the page where the logos are located.

"Jim and Lisa were in the process of adoption last summer, when the mother of the newborn child changed her mind. Lisa and Jim were devastated, but they never wavered in their desire to help children and their faith in being matched with a child one day.

While they wait, Jim and Lisa always accept children for placement when called, and they support reunification. Currently, the child placed with them has 4-hours of time with parents, twice per week, an hour away from home. During this time, Lisa goes to the gym and runs errands. The couple has also demonstrated their dedication to children in care and their families by participating in a parenting panel during a training for more than 300 child welfare workers."

To view Lisa and Jim's original feature on our Facebook page, click HERE.

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