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Family and children with DHHS Logo and FCN logo

Day Twenty of 31 Wishes

Janet and Jonathan bring a lot of experience and knowledge to the foster care team, as they previously fostered and adopted through foster care.  Since reopening their foster home license, they have tak

Two adults with FCN and DHHS logos

Day Nineteen of 31 Wishes

Thomas and Suzanne became licensed to provide care for their granddaughter, and they continue to be her best advocates.

Family and children with DHHS Logo and FCN logo

Day Eighteen of 31 Wishes

Jackie and Pete Judd are exemplary foster parents who work hard to meet the individual and developmental needs of the children in their care. They successfully build strong, positive, and healthy relati

Family and children with DHHS Logo and FCN logo

Day Seventeen of 31 Wishes

Kym and Kevin are the family that answers the phone late at night and accepts placements without hesitation.  They open their home to teenagers and help them acquire independent living skills, including obtai

Family and children with DHHS Logo and FCN logo

Day Sixteen of 31 Wishes

Erin and Justin are the model foster family.  Although they have three biological children and two adopted children, they continue to welcome children into their home while maintaining full-time jobs. 

Two adults with FCN and DHHS logos

Day Fifteen of 31 Wishes

Nick and Holly embody the model foster family, including the child placed with them into their family and also taking steps to ensure she can maintain a relationship with her sister who is place