The subject of suicide has always been a difficult conversation to have. Having an open conversation about mental health can be difficult but speaking about suicide is still taboo for most people.
It would take A LOT to scare Ralph and Rose! They accept children who others will not. After six failed placements, Ralph and Rose cared for a child diagnosed with autism. While in their home
Faith is an extra ordinary foster parent who provides care for 3 children with special needs and has been fully committed to providing them with a loving home, proper care, education, and services
James and Amey began their foster care journey as relative caregivers in 2010. It wasn’t long before the two opened their hearts and home to unrelated children. They have cared for over twenty childre
Robert & Leasa are relative caregivers who have advocated tirelessly for their grandchildren’s needs despite significant challenges and difficulties. They have remained patient and dedicate
Lee and Heather were licensed around the onset of the pandemic. They accepted placement of a 3-day-old baby in April 2020 and learned the baby boy had two brothers who also placed apart from one anothe
Julie is a single caregiver who never shies away from taking on multiple placements at once. Currently, she has three children placed with her. She treats children like they are her own and ad